개회사(Opening Remarks)
전성훈 (통일연구원장) / Seongwhun Cheon (President, KINU) 1
기조연설(Keynotes Address)
마르주끼 다루스만 (유엔 북한인권특별보고관)
Marzuki Darusman (UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in the
로버트 킹 (미국 북한인권특사)
Robert R. King (The United States Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights
Issues) 19
제1회의: 유엔 인권메커니즘과 북한인권
Session 1: UN Human Rights Mechanisms and North Korean Human Rights
● 발표(Presentations)
유엔 인권메커니즘, 조사위원회, 그리고 북한의 인권 침해 실태
UN Human Rights Mechanism, Commission of Inquiry and the Situation of Human Rights Violations in the DPRK
라지브 나라얀 (국제앰네스티)
Rajiv Narayan (Amnesty International) 37
유엔 조사위원회 설립과 북한에 대한 함의
Commission of Inquiry and Its Implications for North Korea
필립 댐 (휴먼라이츠워치)
Philippe Dam (Human Rights Watch) 71
유엔 조사위원회 운영 사례와 북한인권
Operations of the UN Commission of Inquiry and North Korean Human Rights
김수암 (통일연구원)
Soo-Am Kim (KINU) 97
북한과 유엔 조사위원회
North Korea and the UN Commission of Inquiry
로베르타 코헨 (브루킹스 연구소 비상임 연구위원, 미 북한인권위원회 공동의장)
Roberta Cohen (Non-Resident Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, Co-Chair, Committee for Human Rights in North Korea) 153
● 토론(Discussions)
에스더 램 (유엔인권최고대표사무소)
Esther Lam (United Nations Human Rights Office) 193
하태경 (새누리당)
Tae-Kyung Ha (Saenuri Party) 197
이근관 (서울대학교)
Keun-Gwan Lee (Seoul National University) 201
제2회의: 북한인권 실태- 자유권
Session 2: Human Rights Situation in North Korea - Civil & Political Rights
● 발표(Presentations)
종교, 양심, 정치적 신념의 자유: 독일의 경험과 북한에의 함의
Freedom of Religion and Conscience and Political Rights in North Korea: Germany’s Past Experiences and Implications for North Korea
레이너 와그너 (동독 독재정권 희생자연합)
Rainer Wagner (National Chairman of the Union of the Association of Victims of Communist Tyranny (UOKG)) 209
북한 정치범수용소의 인권 상황
Human Rights Conditions of the Political Prison Camps in North Korea
이금순 (통일연구원)
Keum-Soon Lee (KINU) 237
● 토론(Discussions)
에드워드 린트너 (전 독일연방 내무부차관)
Eduard Lintner (Former Parliamentary Secretary of State at the German Federal Ministry of Interior) 273
박흥순 (한국유엔체제학회장 / 선문대학교)
Heung-Soon Park (President, Korean Academic Council on the UN System / Sun Moon University) 277
서창록 (고려대학교 / 휴먼아시아 대표)
Changrok Soh (Korea University / President, Human Asia) 283
한기홍 (북한민주화네트워크 대표)
Ki-Hong Han (President, Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights) 289
제3회의: 북한인권 실태- 사회권
Session 3: Human Rights Situation in North Korea - Economic & Social Rights
● 발표(Presentations)
북한의 식량권 침해 여부와 반인도범죄 규명
Crimes against Humanity in North Korea? Unpacking ‘Common Knowledge’about Violations of the Right to Food
헤이젤 스미스 (크랜필드대학교)
Hazel Smith (Cranfield University) 297
북한주민의 건강권의 현황과 과제
The Right to Health of North Korean Residents: Present Conditions and Pressing Tasks
신영전 (한양대학교 의과대학)
Young-Jeon Shin (Hanyang University, College of Medicine) 347
북한 취약계층 인권 증진과 인도적 지원
Humanitarian Assistance and the Improvement of Human Rights for North Korea’s Vulnerable People
이규창 (통일연구원)
Kyu-Chang Lee (KINU) 389
● 토론(Discussions)
푸옹 팜 (하버드대학교)
Phuong Pham (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative) 427
베른하르트 젤리거 (한스자이델 재단)
Bernhard Seliger (Hanns Seidel Foundation) 433
신혜수 (유엔 경제적, 사회적 및 문화적 권리위원회(사회권위원회))
Heisoo Shin (UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) 437
최근 발간자료 안내 445
Good morning. My name is Cheon Seongwhun, and I am the President of the Korea Institute for National Unification(KINU).
It is a great pleasure and an honor for me to host the 3rd KINU Chaillot Human Rights Forum with human rights experts from Korea and abroad. I wish to extend my gratitude to the Vice President of the National Unification Council Mr. Ahn Hong-Joon and Vice Minister for Unification Mr. Kim Nam-Sik for addressing the congratulatory remarks today. I also want to express special thanks to the two special
guests who will deliver keynote speeches; the United States Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues Mr. Robert R. King, and the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Situation in the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, Mr. Marzuki Darusman. And I appreciate the chairpersons kindness to take the time out of their busy schedules and be with us today-Dr. Yoo Ho-Yeol of the Korean Political Science
Association, Mr. Park Kyung-Seo who has served as the first Human Rights Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, and Dr. Jung-Hoon Lee, the current Human Rights Ambassador of the Republic of Korea...