International Journal of Korean Unification Studie International Journal of Korean Unification Studies 2022 Vol.31 No.1 Date 2022-06-30 Category International Journal of Korean Unification Studies List DOWNLOAD PDF No. Title Authors Page Files 1 Tasks of North Korea Policy of the Yoon Suk-yeol Government: Déjà vu or a New Paradigm Jong-Chul Park 1-35 p. 2 U.S. Policy of the New South Korean Government: Outlook and Implications Ihn-hwi Park 37-63 p. 3 The China Policy of the Yoon Government and South Korea-China Relations Heung kyu Kim 65-83 p. 4 Conceptualizing India-Pakistan Competing Counterforce Strategies and Possibility of Conflict in South Asia Zafar Khan 85-114 p. 5 The Discourse of the Socialist Grand Family Seen through the North Korean Film \Our Family's Problem\ and \Our Family's Problem Begins Again\ Soo Jin Park 115-157 p. 6 Middle Power Diplomacy and North Korea Revisited Jeffrey Robertson 159-187 p. 7 How the Ukraine War Transforms the Northeast Asian Security Agenda Richard Weitz 189-224 p. 8 The Two Plus Four Treaty and Korean Unification Susanne Pittelkow and In Young Min 225-257 p.