White Paper on Human Rights North Korea White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea 2016 Date 2016 Authors Do Kyung-ok,Kim Soo-Am,Lee Kyu-chang,Han Dong-ho,Hong Min,Lim Ye-jun. List DOWNLOAD PDF SummaryChapterⅠ Purpose for Publication and Research Methodology1 Purpose for Publication2 Research MethodologyChapterⅡ The Reality of Civil and Political Rights1 Right to Life2 Right to Not Receive Torture or Inhumane Treatment3 Right to Not be Forced into Labor4 Right to Liberty and Security of Person5 Right to Humane Treatment in Detention6 Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence7 Right to a Fair Trial 8 Right to Privacy 9 Right to Freedom of Ideology, Conscience and Religion10 Right to Freedom of Expression11 Right to Freedom of Assembly and Association12 Right to Political Participation13 Right to Equality ChapterⅢ The Reality of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights1 Right to Food2 Right to Health3 Right to Work4 Right to Education5 Right to Social SecurityChapterⅣ Vulnerable Groups1 Women 2 Children 3 Persons with DisabilitiesChapterⅤ Major Issues1 Political Prison Camps2 Corruption3 Overseas Defectors4 Overseas Workers5 Separated Families, Abductees and Korean War POWs
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